A universe made up of particles

Main Concepts

Enjoy an introduction to the main components of the Cosmos SDK.

From Tendermint to modules, keepers, queries, and transactions in the Interchain, a whole universe is waiting to be discovered.

Do you have a preferred learning style? For instance:

  • Do you like to learn about all the concepts before jumping into the exercises? If yes, you can start right off with this whole chapter. When you are done, you can jump back to the exercises that you saw mentioned but skipped at the bottom of each page.
  • Do you like to learn about a single concept and then jump into an exercise that applies what you just learned? If yes, for each concept in this chapter, you will find a list of jump-off points at the bottom of the page where you can go to experiment.
  • Do you like to throw some code at your IDE and some commands at your CLI immediately, and only afterward learn about what you did? If yes, for each concept of this chapter, jump to the bottom of the page where you will find links to the exercises, then come back and read about the concept.
  • Another way of learning? You get the idea. All the material is ready and waiting, so there is probably a way for you to accommodate it to your needs.

# In this chapter

In this chapter, you will:

  • Get an introduction to Tendermint and consensus in the Cosmos SDK.
  • Develop an understanding of the different components of the Cosmos SDK.
  • Learn about relaying with the Inter-Blockchain Communication Protocol (IBC).
  • Discover hod dApp developers can benefit from Interchain Security.

# Next up

Want to get started with the main concepts of the Cosmos SDK? Go ahead and start with a look at A Blockchain App Architecture.

# Developer Resources

Cosmos SDK
Cosmos SDK
A framework to build application-specific blockchains

Blockchain consensus engine and application interface

Cosmos Hub
Cosmos Hub
First interconnected public blockchain in the Interchain network

Industry standard protocol for inter-blockchain communication